Friday 10 September 2010

Titles vs Images

Titles vs Images

The font of the title 'Girl, Interrupted' is quite an unusual font and not a sort of font you would use for a film title. However, this style of font is quite child like which enhances the word 'Girl' in the title which suggests there is a theme of innocents and being looked after. This also allows the audience to have some information about the film but still keeping mystery to it. The use of the word 'Interrupted' also suggests that the genre could be a drama or a memoir of some type. The word it's self suggests that a character in the film is unhinged or scared mentally. The style of font could also be seen as written with an unsteady hand which links to maybe characters feeling unsteady within themselves. The title is placed across the main image looking as though it has been ripped across the woman's face. This could also suggest that the character has been stripped of her personality, making the audience think about the film a drawing them into seeing it.
The main image on the poster is quite
subtle but shows a lot of emotion through it. We as the audience only see half of the woman's face suggesting a hidden personality or a secret which needs to be unraveled. The woman's eye that is shown looks almost startled or maybe confused, this already reveals to the audience the character's personality but still keeping mystery with only showing half of her features. The pale but rosy colour used on the woman's face suggests innocence which contrasts with her dark eye brows and eye lashes giving the audience two sides of the character (the dark and the pure). However the second image on the poster is much more seductive but quite stern at the sane time. The woman in the second image is almost looking at woman one in quite a jealous way suggesting to the audience conflict between both characters.

This title is quite interesting and unlike the other film title it's more intriguing and eye catching for an audience. The style of font is bold and the whit colour used for the font makes the title stand out. The style of the title looks like it's eroding, linking to the name 'Buried', suggesting rotting corps or people dieing. This title has less mystery to it and gives much more away to the audience through the title and image. In the word 'Buried' the 'i' is in the form of a lighter suggesting to the audience that the character has been buried alive giving them information of the plot on the film. The male character in the image looks like he has been caught in action screaming. This is shown through the blurred face of the man, suggesting pain and helplessness. The image also gives information on what kind of genre the film is through the man caught in action suggesting that it's a horror and maybe a journey of what the character will go through during the film. The audience is also shown that the male character isn't just buried in the earth but in a wooden box, this give them even more information on the film and that it could be a premeditated action on burring someone alive meaning the film could be about a phys co murderer.

I find that both images and words are equally important. For instance images allow your imagination to create a story and the words also allow your imagination to do the same thing but still allowing more mystery and still influencing the audience to want to see the film. Images work together to intrigue an audience and draw them in through the creativity to the language used.