Friday 24 September 2010

Bloodshed High Presentation

Applying Conventions of Trailers:

Bloodshed High

In order to apply with the recognisable conventions of trailers in groups, we came up with ideas about how to market and promote 'Bloodshed High'. To do this we came together in small groups to discuss what we felt the most important aspects were of a trailer.

In our presentation we included our unique selling point which would make our trailer stand out from all the others. Our unique selling point was that we would have an unusual twist where the killer in our horror film would be the most popular and likable cheerleader character. We decided to have this kind of twist to shock our audience. The way in which we would achieve this effect on the audience would be to show in the trailer that she is the heroin and that the boy who has been bullied in the story looks like the killer and is punishing the people who made his school life hell.
For the main characters we decided to use Asa Butterfield who plays the main character as the British boy who gets bullied, Dakota Fanning who plays the popular cheerleader who ends up supporting and fighting for the innocent and attacked character of Asa Butterfield. I thought that these characters were perfect for the part since Asa has that look of being quite innocent and naive, where Dekota looks quite womanly and can play a character where she can be bold and someone that everyone likes to watch on the screen.



We decided to use
the band Linkin Park's music. My group and I thought that their genre of music would suite scenes where there are fast and dramatic shots. This is the song that is used in one of the killing scenes:
Here is Linkin Park's 'myspace' fan site for more details on the band:

My group and I decided to use 'Twisted Pictures' as our production company for the film 'Bloodshed High'. We thought that this would be a good production company to use since it mainly creates films of horror genre. 'Twisted Pictures' would also be quite a useful selling point since it's mostly known for the production of the 'Saw' series; which audiences would realise through the trailer. This type of promotion would attract audiences that love the 'Saw' series which would be a wide range of audiences and bring the publicity of the film up.