Wednesday 15 December 2010

Evaluation 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout the process of this project I have used many different media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluating stages. I have used different types of media technologies so that I could get my points across in different and more interesting ways.

The media technologies that I have used most frequently throughout my posts except from the mac computers were slide share http:// and Kizoa slideshows I used these programmes the most because I found them much more usefully and less complicated unlike prezzie Slideshare was simple all I had to do was make a project on PowerPoint and then download it onto Slideshare which would compress the slide show into a mini presentation. I found Kizoa very helpful but only used it when I wanted my images to not be layed out in a boring way. I only used it for images since you could only add text on it if you payed.
The common programmes such as Powerpoint, Photoshop and Word, I used regularly when constructing, researching and planning. However, I didn't have to use Photoshop that much since the image that I used for the poster didn't need extra editing since I did that already through manipulating the light on the set. Powerpoint was most used when I was evaluating my work since I didn't want too much writting on my blog and having it on a Powerpoint/Slideshare made it look more interesting.

When researching via the internet to get as much information on the conventions of horror, the layout of synopsis, poster images, stock characters, information on trailers and so many more that is shown on my blog. I found that with the help of the internet I could expand my knowledge in all of the information that we needed to learn to be able to produce a trailer, poster and magazine. The internet also benefited my groiup and I, since we were able to put our final product onto Youtube and our final ancillary texts onto Facebook, here we have used synergy throught video uploads and social networking sites. Having access to these network sites helped us to feel more confident about our production work and be able to recieve positive comments or some criticism that we may of needed to hear.

For our construction we were given video cameras to film our trailer. This model of camera was efffective but very easy to use which made the process less stressful and more fun to work with.
The hardest problem we had with the camera was not being able to have a light attached to it, this was a problem since we wanted shots in the dark to convey horror genre but when we tried shooting without lighting the footage came out too dark and we had too re shoot.

Evaluation Question 3

Here is a video for one of our audience feed backs. My group and I wanted to know what our target audience felt about our trailer and whether they felt that we establish the horror genre well or not.
Subject 1 said that she could recognise all the horror conventions in our trailer, she could also recognise the stock characters easily. Subject 1 also said that she thought the music worked well with our trailer this is very positive feedback since we had some doubts that we weren't fitting with some of the horror conventions. However, the music is a positive because it does relate to our target audience.

Here are some audience feed back from our facebook campaign for the trailer: Seeing this sort of positive feedback has given my group and I much more confidence and feel that we have got what we wanted to get across to our target audience. We did get some criticism on the camera angles but when re editing we realised that we actually had a range of different shots. However, if we had more time there would've been a possibility of having a bit more of a range. This can also be seen on one of my older posts

Jeffrey J Ropar Very disturbing, ah, so ...WELL DONE!! Great acting and directing and editing... have to work on the camera angles though....

Heather 'meme' Robertson Wowser, this is kinda scary. well done girlies, love it. xx
December 3 at 2:38pm ·

Jessica Baranov This is brilliant! i love the filming, acting, and editing. it works perfectly :D.December 3 at 6:30pm ·

Here is also a bit of audience feedback for the magazine cover:
Most people thought that the magazine cover worked well and still had a horror theme to it. However, there was only a little criticism which I agree with a little bit that the sentence 'TOP 10 MOVIES' doesn't really work well for a horror genre magazine. On the other hand I realise why that is useful to be on the cover, since it shows that it's a film magazine and that our trailer is in the rank of top 10 films which makes a better publicity for us.

  • Kate Iorga very nice
    December 3 at 2:25pm ·
  • Jessica Baranov I like it, personally i think that the 'top 10 movies of 2010' doesn't really fit in with it.
    December 3 at 6:23pm ·

Evaluation Question 2

I Will Sin commentary

Monday 13 December 2010

Evaluation Question 1

Font Designs

I designed these titles on the website, I found that this site was the best to use since it has a range of horror genre styles and it helped me to become more creative in what I wanted to achieve.
When looking at titles for horror based films I realised that they were always bold, eyecatching and sometimes the font is quite scratched up. The first too titles are both scratched and look worn away. I thought about using a font like this because I was influenced by the film 'I Spit On Your Grave.' However, I didn't think that this would suite our film poster since the image is quite a statement on it's own I thought that having font like these too would take away from the impact of the image.
Instead I decided to use the third font style because it still has a horror feel to it but is still simple and not too dramatic. This font style worked well with the image and even though it does stand out it doesn't take it away from the image on the poster.

Sunday 12 December 2010

I Will Sin Trailer

Target Audience Profile

Here is information on what we found out about age certificates and our decision on what age we think our trailer should be viewed at.
My group and I needed to have more information and feedback from our target audience to see if we were meeting their criteria of horror expectations. We decided that the best way to receive this feedback was to upload our first edit of the trailer, the poster and magazine cover to a facebook website that we made. We did this so that we could see not just the positive feedback but criticism as well so that we know what to develop and what to keep.

horror trailer feedback - make slideshow

I Will Sin Magazine Cover