Sunday 14 November 2010

New Idea

When I went home after school I was having trouble thinking of a plot for our horror trailer, then I realised that the characters that my group and I have are all teenage boys. I then researched all horror based trailers that had boys as victims and the women as the fighter, teenage stereotypes and the school life for a teenager.
This is what I found:

These trailers both inspired me to come up with a new horror trailer. I decided to do a storyline of a girl who gets bullied by three boys in her class, they then stitch her up and invite her to a made up party on the heath. Here they tie her to a tree and are violent towards her because she is from a different social status at school to them. The girl then gets her revenge, just like in both trailers of 'I spit on your grave' and 'The Final'.

This is our storyboard for our new idea 'I Will Sin'