Friday 19 November 2010

Poster Evaluation

Shot list and Script

Monday 15 November 2010

I Will Sin Synopsis

Beth Summers (Louisa Swithenbank) is a shy and lonely girl who lives her life in books and longs to feel excepted. She is constantly bullied at school by most pupils especialy by three boys, Dan Woods (Jack Dalziel), Mike Jones (Alex Parez) and Jake Lanes (Daniel Rodiguez).
Beth finally gets invited to what she thinks is the best party of her life in the heath. Beth finaly feels that she has began to make friends. However, once she arrives to the heath confusion begins to hit. Out of nowhere Beth gets violently attacked by the three bullies at her school and can't understand why they're treating her in this way. She is tied to a tree and left to suffer.
Beth finaly escapes and sets out for her revenge.
She will feel no remorse and will sin to succeed for her own sanity.

Sunday 14 November 2010

New Idea

When I went home after school I was having trouble thinking of a plot for our horror trailer, then I realised that the characters that my group and I have are all teenage boys. I then researched all horror based trailers that had boys as victims and the women as the fighter, teenage stereotypes and the school life for a teenager.
This is what I found:

These trailers both inspired me to come up with a new horror trailer. I decided to do a storyline of a girl who gets bullied by three boys in her class, they then stitch her up and invite her to a made up party on the heath. Here they tie her to a tree and are violent towards her because she is from a different social status at school to them. The girl then gets her revenge, just like in both trailers of 'I spit on your grave' and 'The Final'.

This is our storyboard for our new idea 'I Will Sin'


My group and I filmed our horror trailer for 'Final Deadline' however, since we don't have a budget to make the trailer our lighting was too dark for the camera. We tried to work with some lighting that we had but when we needed to do scenes that were in the cemetery the lighting was too weak and the footage was just too dark to put on the trailer.
When we were told that we couldn't use certain footage we decided to change our whole story line since we had to film over the weekend and getting the characters that we had used for 'Final Deadline's' trailer would've been too late of notice. Instead we asked three boys if they would be our characters for our new trailer.

Monday 8 November 2010

Flickr slideshow

Here is a slide show of our flickr photostream where we have uploaded images which helped us to explore and develop themes and settings for our trailer.

Shot types

Shot 1: Mid-shot of teacher, slightly from a low angle.

Shot 2: Clip of production. 'A production by Twisted Pictures'

Shot 3: Close up of Jessica. To have insight of characters and make a first impression.

Shot 4: Long shot of building.

Shot 5: Close up of Dan.

Shot 6: Long shot of male and female running, characters unknown to audience.

Shot 7: Close up of Josephine.

Shot 8: Long shot of character who is blacked out and not seen.

Shot 9: Mid shot of the back of Dan and slight view of Josephine's face.

Shot 10: Long shot of Jacob sitting on floor in building.

Shot 11: Over head, mid shot of Jacob being dragged along floor.

Shot 12: Sentence 'DYING TO MEET IT...'

Shot 13: Mid shot of black bag over characters head.

Shot 14: Title 'FINAL DEADLINE'

Shot 15: 'Out Summer 2011'

Final Deadline script

Shot 1=
Teacher: "For your final grade, in groups your making a horror trailer".
Speaks from the front of a classroom to students.

Shot 3=
Jessica: "I know this building".
Speaks to group.

Shot 5=
Dan: " Ive heard about that place..."
Speaks to group.

Shot 6=
Dan: "... people have died there".
Voice over clip of people running.

Shot 7=
Josephine: "Sounds like fun".
Speaks to group.

Shot 9=
Jacob: "Let's go then".
Speaks to group.

Shot 10=
Josephine: Screams.
As hand with blood is spread against a window on a door.

Shot 11=
Josephine: "What was that?"

Shot 13=
Jacob: Screams.
Gets dragged along the floor.

Randy's Rules

This clip is from 'Scream 3' where the character Randy is expressing the concepts of the horror genre.
Whilst watching some 'Scream' film clips I've noticed that it is quite similar to our own concepts for our trailer. In the sense that it has the stereotypical stock characters such as the wanderer, the jock, the popular girl and the virgin.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Exploring Themes

I went to West Park's abandoned mental institute where my group and I want to film for Final Deadline's trailer. I took some images on the building site but couldn't take any more since I didn't have full access to the inside of the building. However, I then decided to explore horror themes such as, abandoned objects, motifs of colours and many other themes that I have explored through my uploaded photos that are on my flickr account
I decided to use flickr to upload my photos since it is a visual history of everything I've every uploaded onto it and I thought that all my images would be perfect to upload onto a site like flickr.

Friday 5 November 2010

Risk Assessment Research

I researched into risk assessments and things that I need to include to ensure that the health and safety of members of staff and actors are perfectly fine.

'Producers should ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons working with and for them are not exposed to risks to their health and safety. An example of what may be considered reasona
bly practicable would be if location filming was taking place in a warehouse with poor lighting. It would be appropriate to ensure that extra lighting is used and that all sharp or otherwise hazardous equipment is made safe.

You should have at least one experienced member of the crew who is aware of health and safety issues.

Some genres may pose more risks than others i.e. horror or action films or scenes involving animals. The production team should discuss safety issues before filming begins and take steps to avoid or reduce the risks identified.'

This is what I found that the members of crew and actors need to be aware of.
Final Deadline Risk Assessment:
  • Know where the fire exits are.
  • No use of real weapons.
  • Get to the building where filming will be held well/the surroundings.
  • Make sure that everyone stays in groups whilst filming.
  • Don't take food or drinks onto the site.
I Will Sin Risk Assessment:

Here we assessed what could be at risk when filming for our crew and actors.
  • Hazard Identification
  • Associated Risks
  • Persons At Risk
  • Control Measures
  • Consequence, Likelihood and Risk Rating

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Student Action Plan

Today my group and I also wrote down an action plan of all the things that we need to do before the following week. The plan consists of
  • Planing our setting,props and actors that we need. This must be completed by the 4th November.
  • Upload our concepts video.
  • Take still images at the cinema of the film that we are seeing to show how we're exploring horror genre.
  • We need to upload images that we took to show how we were exploring different themes of horror and specific colours.
  • We need to also include a video recording of our target audience questionnaire.
  • And complete our filming over the weekend.
This action plan proves that my group and I have a lot to do but, in order to complete this target we must stick to what we have set our selves.

Marking the Advanced Portfolio

Today in the lesson I was asked to evaluate my electronic format of research and planning. With this evaluation I had to give my self a level for each criteria that should be included on my blog.
Once giving my self a grade I showed evidence of how it was blogged and my action plan that I needed to do to complete all the criteria.
I found that there are two main criteria that I have failed to meet but will do so this weekend; to ensure I get the best possible grade.